Customer Reviews

Based on 40 reviews
Tony Pranaitis
Great device -- when used with the bone conduction headphones

Swimming with music is a total game-changer! However, I made the mistake of getting the ear bud headphones that go inside the ear canal, which work great OUT of the water, but in the water the sound was great for 1-2 laps, then water got into my ear canal and as it sloshed around the sound would have various degrees of obstruction. I tried all the different size ear bud tips, I even tried without the tips. There is just no way to keep water out, especially with the air bubbles of exhalation. I'd stop at the wall in the shallow end and bounce around, jostle the ear buds, get the sound back, and then it would be obstructed before I finished one lap. As soon as I would get out of the water and walk 10 yards on the pool deck, the heel strike would "bounce" the water out of my ear canal and the music would be fully audible (the sound I missed during the workout). After a month of frustration trying everything I gave in and bought the bone conduction headphones...and magically I have full volume music for the entire workout!! They come with little ear plugs that you MUST use for the bone conduction to work. When your ear canals fill with water that does the same as the ear plugs, but when your ears come out of the water and it drains out you momentarily switch back to normal air conduction hearing and the bone conduction becomes faint. The ear plugs solve that. I'm getting an extra pair for backup. FYI, I don't get "swimmer's ear" or have any problems getting water to drain out after a swim. And it wasn't that the equipment wasn't producing the sound, it's just that I couldn't hear it because of water obstruction, which for me was impossible to mitigate. The bone conduction sound is JUST AS GOOD as the earbuds, and it works all the time. Ear buds are meant for air conduction hearing, and bone conduction is meant for hearing in water, it's as simple as that. Unless you know for sure the ear buds will work, go bone won't be sorry!

Francesc Baliu Bausili

Es el segundo que compro. El primero se me cayó al suelo y quedo inutilizable.
Como digo es el mejor de todos los reproductores mp3 que he probado para nadar.

irene bookbinder
Love swimming with music

This is my second h20 player. I got the same kind because I knew how to use it and it’s easy for a baby boomer

Richard W Merritt
Good product

It is much better than the first H20 audio MP3 player I had several years ago.

Rick Fournier
Ear buds

Sound great… great support!